The Four Revolting Thoughts
Approximate script of the podcast with some variations and possible errors: The Four Thoughts to Turn the Mind – or the Four Revolting Thoughts Something to think about Hello and a truly warm welcome to whoever has come to sit down in the Double Dorje virtual restaurant and listen. This podcast is not very old, but I have several times had occasion to mention the foundation or preliminary practices, the ngondro. When we speak of them, the thing that usually comes to mind is what we call the “special” preliminaries, including all those prostrations, refuge and bodhicitta prayers, purification mantras, mandala offerings, guru yoga and so forth – lots of colour, lots to enjoy! But today I think it’s time to look at the four “ordinary” or “common” preliminaries, since it’s only on the basis of those that these special preliminaries make any sense. So let’s take a quick look at these four, namely the precious human birth, impermanence and death, action and fruit, also just called...