Colours of the spinning mantra

Approximate script, with some variations and possible errors: Hello good people. Welcome, or welcome back, to the Double Dorje podcast. I’m Alex Wilding, and today will be looking at all the rainbow colours of the mantra, sticking mainly with the famous Mani, as well as looking how they go round and round and round and round. In an earlier episode we looked a bit at the meaning of the Mani, and a couple of tunes that we might use for it. Today I want to look at some of its visual aspects, its colours, and its connection to the “six worlds”. The Mani is a particularly good example to use for this for three reasons: it is beautiful, it is popular, and it is accessible to people who haven’t received an appropriate empowerment. No rules need to be broken! Of course, if you can get an empowerment for this you certainly should. I’m not a great fan of online empowerments – perhaps they sort of work, but it all seems like very thin gruel – but a Chenrezi empowerment should be easier ...