Manis and manis and...
This is the approximate script, with errors and variations, of the Double Dorje episode at Hello friends and others! You are very welcome to the Double Dorje podcast. You won’t have got this far without noticing the music, if that’s the word, used for this Double Dorje intro and outro. Thousands upon thousands of mantras are used and recited in vajrayana Buddhism, but there is a handful such as the mantra of Guru Rinpoche and the Tara mantra that are particularly well known, and this one, commonly known simply as “the mani”, or as “the six syllable mantra”, is without question the best known of all. Later in this episode will take a look at a couple of tunes used for it, but first let’s take a moment to have a brief look at what it is. Put simply it’s the mantra of Chenrezi, also known under the Sanskrit name of Avalokiteshvara. (A quick reminder that I’ll put some of the words that might be unfamiliar into the description, so you can s...